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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Thank you for your supports!

<Letters from Korean History> has gained worldwide attention. We always appreciate your continued support and thoughtful comments!

<한국사 편지>영문판을 향한 뜨거운 관심에 항상 감사드립니다. 여러분께 좋은 평가를 받아 매우 기쁩니다. 더욱 노력하겠습니다!

Top Customer Reviews :
아마존 독자 리뷰:
"These books have a perfect balance of text and pictures that makes them easy to read, interesting, and informative. Also, the voice in the writing makes the content easy to understand. They do a great job of telling the story of Korea, starting from the Neolithic times, as well as narrating the stories of the various Korean dynasties in a clear, organized way. A very welcome change compared to the Eurocentric history classes taught in my high school. Would highly recommend!" 

"사진과 그림이 완벽한 조화를 이루고 있어 가독성이 좋고 흥미를 더하며 유익하네요. 이해하기 쉬운 어조로 쓰여 있다는 점도 좋습니다. 신석기시대부터 시작해 수많은 왕조를 거쳐간 한국의 역사를 체계적이면서도 명료히 설명하고 있는 부분이 정말 훌륭하군요. 제가 다니는 고등학교에서는 주로 유럽사만 다루고 있는데 이 책을 접하니 참 신선합니다. 꼭 한 번 읽어보세요!"

"Its a great book. Covers very well (For a high school level history book) all the most important events in Korean history. It has very well done illustrations and is overall a great set. I am very satisfied, and my students also like it very much."

"훌륭합니다. 한국 역사의 주요 장면들을 꼼꼼히 다루고 있습니다(고등학생들이 읽기에 적합합니다). 삽화의 수준도 높으며 여러 면에서 양질의 도서입니다. 제겐 아주 만족스러운 책이었으며 학생들도 아주 좋아했습니다."

Monday, September 4, 2017

<Letters from Korean history> is finally available as an eBook! 
이제 <한국사편지> 영문판을 전자책(eBook)으로 만나보실 수 있습니다!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

* <한국사 편지> 프랑크푸르트 도서전 출품! **

<Letters from Korean History> 

at Frankfurt book fair 2016

the world largest and best book fair!

From October 19 - 23, in beautiful city of Frankfurt/Germany,
both Korean and English version of <Letters from Korean History> is on view at Frankfurt book fair 2016.

It is grateful for having an opportunity to introduce Korean histroy
to publishers and readers from all around the world.
It means a lot to us!
A common saying goes,
"It is hard to fully understand people of a nation
without knowing its history culture."
It will be the greatest pleasure if <Letters from Korean History> can offer you an opportunity to meet the culture and history of Korea. 

2016년도 프랑크푸르트 도서전(10월 19일 ~ 23일)이 열리고 있습니다.
세계 최고, 최대 도서전으로 손꼽히는 프랑크푸르트 도서전에
한국사편지 영문판, 한글판이 출품되었답니다.
세계 각국에서 온 출판 관계자와
책을 사랑하는 독자들이 한자리에 모인 도서전에서
우리 역사를 알리는 뜻 깊은 시간을 갖고 있습니다.
한 나라의 역사와 문화를 알지 못하면
그 나라 사람들을 제대로 이해하기 어렵다고 하죠.
한국사편지가 한국의 역사와 문화를 세계에 알리는
유익한 매개체가 되기를 소망합니다.
아름다운 프랑크푸르트의 화려한 도서전,
그 속에 한국사편지가 있습니다.

한글판/영어판 구입처 ->
For further information, go for our official blog Korean.ver
한국사편지 공식블로그->

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

History of Korea for you - Letters from Korean history: To readers of ‘Letters from Korean History’

 Letters from Korean History is a series of some seventy letters covering a period that stretches from prehistory to the present. 

* It's a pleasure to read and pleasure to appreciate ! 
 The text runs smoothly since it has written as a letter, and the illustrations and Photos are always on the page where the reader needs them to understand Korean History more easily witnessing the era with their own eyes.

Letters from Korean History, Korean Version
Letters from Korean History, English Version

Letters from Korean History was originally published in Korea, 2002, revised 2009, and has been distributed more than 3.5 million copies. 
The Korean version of Letters from Korean history is well kwon as its unique writing style. The entire book's written as a long letter from a mother, who wants to explain Korean history in an easy way, and she wrote the book to her own daughter trying to make her history lesson more interesting and understandable with mother's warm words. The english version of Letters from Korean History took a form of a letter like the original version and also rewritten for wider range of readers, from teenager to young adult. 

Making any Korean book accessible to readers of English through translation is a privilege. The same goes for Letters from Korean History. In a series of letters addressed to a young reader overseas, the author adopts a conversational style of writing that conveys the ups and downs, ins and outs of Korean history with ease. 
- Ben Jackson,  from Translator's forword to Letters from Korean history

* 5 features and benefits of Letters from Korean History 

1. Unlike most introductions to Korean history, Letters from Korean History takes a theme-based approach: 
each theme functions as a window onto a particular period. The use of several different windows offering various perspectives onto the same period is meant to help the reader form her or his own more complete picture of that part of history.

Vo.1: From prehistory to United Silla and Balhae 

2. Letters from Korean History places equal emphasis on aspects such as culture, everyday life, society and social segments with habitually low historical profiles, such as women and children: 
This is an important difference to conventional introductory histories, which naturally tend towards narratives centered on ruling classes by prioritizing political history. 

Vo.2: From the Later three Kingdoms to Goryeo 

3. Also attempted to portray Korean history not as that of a single nation in isolation but as part of world history as a whole, and to adopt a perspective that places humans as just one species in the universe and nature: 
This is why the first letter begins not with prehistory on the Korean Peninsula but with the birth of the human race on Earth. The connection with world history is maintained throughout the five volumes, in which Korea’s interactions, relationships and points of comparison with the rest of the world are constantly explored.

Vol.3: Joseon - From founding to later years 

4. Unlike most general histories, which make passing references to characters and dates, 
it depicts Korea’s past through a series of engaging stories:
It is my hope that these will help readers feel like direct witnesses to historical scenes as they unfold. All content is based on historical materials, either in their original form or adapted without distortion. Sources include key texts such as Samguk sagi (“History of the Three Kingdoms”), Samguk yusa (“Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms”), Goryeosa (“History of Goryeo”) and Joseon wangjo sillok (“Royal Annals of the Joseon Dynasty”), as well as a variety of literary anthologies, letters, journals and epigraphs. 

Vol.4: From late Joseon to the Daehan Empire 

5. Each Letter contains a historical episode in its own right, and can be chosen and read according to the reader’s particular area of interest: 
I hope that readers will not feel obliged to start at the beginning of Volume I and plow all the way through. The text is complemented by plenty of photos and illustrations, giving a more vivid sense of history - reading the captions that accompany these should enhance the sense of historical exploration.

Vol.5: From the Daehan Empire to North-South rapprochement 

I very much hope that this book will become a useful source of guidance for young readers, wherever they may be. 
- Eunbong Park, from Author's Preface to Letters from Korean History

* Order in USA:

Now on  SALE at ALADIN US  : 

621 S. Western Ave STE 300 Los Angeles, CA 90005  
Tel : 213-385-2400

Available on Amazon.com from August, 2016

* Order in Korea:

Aladin Korea



Sunday, June 26, 2016

Korean history book with PHOTOS & illustrations guiding us to vivid history, The REAL KOREA

More VIVID HISTORY with various photos & illustrations 

Letters from Korean History is one of the most famous and popular books on Korean History ever written, has been a Korean national bestseller for over a decade.

Letters from Korean History has been admired for two key qualities:

* It is a pleasure to read and pleasure to appreciate The text runs smoothly since it has written as a letter, and the illustrations and Photos are always on the page where the reader needs them to understand Korean History more easily witnessing the era with their own eyes. 

Letters from Korean Histrory invites you to the vivid scene of Korean HIstory.


풍부한 사진과 그림으로 더욱 생생한 역사를 만나다!

<한국사편지>는 바른 역사관, 쉽고 자세한 설명과 더불어
미디어와 함께 자라난 젊은 세대가 역사의 한 장면을 보다 생생히 느낄 수 있도록
다양한 사진, 그림 자료를 풍부히 담았습니다.
사진과 그림으로 만나는 생생한 한국사의 현장으로 여러분을 초대합니다!